About The Project

The Lower Silesian Provincial Labor Office in Walbrzych is implementing a project of strategic importance for the province entitled “Labor Market Observatory”, financed by the European Funds for Lower Silesia 2021-2027 program. 

Basis for implementation: Resolution No. 7256/VI/23 of the Board of Directors of the Lower Silesian on the adoption of the Decision on funding the project No. FEDS.07.02-IP.02-0001/23 under Priority No. 7 “European Funds for the Labor Market and Social Inclusion in Lower Silesia”, Measure No. 7.2 “Development of Labor Market Institutions” of the Program European Funds for Lower Silesia 2021-2027 co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus, dated 25.07.2023. 

The aim of the project is to obtain, collect and share reliable information in various areas of the labor market and education, which will contribute to increasing employment and reducing and preventing unemployment in Lower Silesia, as well as allow the development of new solutions for employers and important players in the Lower Silesian labor market. 

Project activities consist of diagnosing, forecasting and analyzing information on current socio-economic processes occurring in the labor market in the Lower Silesian province. As part of the project:  

– Digital compendium of knowledge about the regional labor market has been created, which will allow recipients to easily and quickly access information on the labor market, 

– regional labor market surveys, analyses and expertise will be developed (cyclical surveys of employers and employees regarding, among other things, the current demand for occupations, competencies and skills, as well as thematic surveys resulting from the identification of information needs of various labor market partners),  

– Dissemination activities have been planned, consisting in the organization of 20 briefings in 4 sub-regions (Walbrzych, Legnicko-Glogowski, Wroclaw/m. Wroclaw, Jeleniogórski), during which the effects of analytical work will be presented. The briefings will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences and intensify cooperation between entities. 

The project is addressed to all those who are or will be connected in any way with the labor market, among others: entities of public administration and employment services, employers, employees, the unemployed, the disabled, youth, foreigners, labor offices, local and central government institutions, schools and educational institutions, training companies, non-governmental organizations, research centers, Provincial and District Labor Market Councils, Provincial Council for Social Dialogue and other labor market partners. 

Assumed results of the project: providing reliable research and information on the regional labor market, which will support the actions taken in the province by institutions responsible for the shape and development of the regional labor market – including local government institutions, educational and training institutions, employers’ organizations, and will create the possibility of predicting the demand for skills and providing tailored assistance to labor market participants. 

Project implementation period: 30.06.2023r. – 31.12.2027r. 

#EUFunds #EuropeanFunds 

Project value: PLN 2,399,912.00 

Value of contribution from European Funds: PLN 1,679,938.40